Monday, October 19, 2009

A Family Photo Session

I was lucky to be able spend a small portion of my weekend with a beautiful family of four. On Saturday, I had the opportunity to photograph little Miss Alexis' first birthday party so that her parents could concentrate on enjoying the very special day. Those pictures will be coming next!
On Sunday I was back to take family photos. I had a great time and got so many beautiful pictures, the ones that I have posted are just a VERY few of my favorites.
Thank you so much Peter, Natasha, Max and Alexis for being such troopers on a very cold morning!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fallin' for Fall.....

It's the most gorgeous time of year around here... and there's nothing I love more than taking photographs of the beautiful trees. AND of course, my kids on our yearly apple picking adventure to Rocky Ridge Orchard in Bowdoin. While the apples were a little sparse due to some heavy winds the night before, we had fun all the same.
